The Local Q Magazine

Art Director | Graphic Designer & Photographer

The Local Q Magazine


Awarded Gold in Graphis New Talent Annual 2014 and published in the Graphis annual book, The Local Q is a physical magazine dedicated to food locations in Orange County, CA area.


The Local Q magazine was a self-made magazine inspired for visitors and local Orange County residents to have an inside look at what the OC had to offer in food wise. The goal of the magazine was to help promote eateries that were not the conventional tourist trap but what local residents would go out of their way for when choosing a place to eat. It goes without saying it is like a foodie magazine for anybody who wants to be adventurous and be outside the box but also being in the know about what good places to dine at.

The first step to beginning this project was to find something that would get me to be inspired to dedicate a whole magazine to and for. The answer was clear to me and I love food. However, the problem was to solve what restaurant or eatery to put in the magazine. Since the magazine was composed of 10 parts, I choose places I've been to or wanted to go to. There are four main articles in the magazine and two short articles in the magazine, all about food and where to find places to go. All the articles typesetting and imagery for these spreads were taken or made by me. The other remaining spreads were consisted of the cover, table of contents, special insert, and end pages. Most of these pages were photographs I took myself or created myself. The theme of food was carried all throughout the magazine and was a great learning experience for me. Creating The Local Q magazine taught me so much about the process of creating and dreaming up a book designed solely by me. However, there is still much to learn about the design process and editorial area, but nonetheless good learning curve.

The results of The Local Q magazine was well received. The Client enjoyed the effort and changes I made with every step towards completing the magazine itself. It was a huge overhaul from what it looked like the first day to the very last.


the local q endpages photography crumb

the local q endpage photography candy

the local q endpage photography fork and spoon

the local q endpage photography cookie


the local q spreads 1

the local q spreads 2

the local q spreads 3

the local q spreads 4

the local q spreads 5


Thank you for looking at the design process for The Local Q Magazine. If you’d like to see more or get in touch, my contact information is provided below.


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